Sunday, June 13, 2010

Measure of a...

I miss my guyfriend. It's not fair I have to be away from him this long.

On another note, my birthday is gonna totally kick ass this year! We're partying it up in Chicago for the big 2-0. I will also be in Chi-town june 25-27, so everyone in that town is very lucky they get to see me so often. Hopefully we can hit up Wrigley and catch a game... I've always wanted to go there. And fenway. And yankee stadium.

Oh, so I showed my mom and laura an episode of the big bang theory today. They were not impressed with Sheldon, they think he is annoying and that he and Leonard are gay together. Shelly is my favorite, so this upset me lol

Keep doin what you do, I'll see you soon :)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Todd peaked at number 26 on the pop charts on itunes yesterday when his EP "After the Morning After" was released... I could not be prouder of him! So grateful to be a part of this! Download his stuff on itunes! It's really really great, and make sure to write a review so we can see what you think!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Free Fallin

Well this is just simply too gorgeous not to post.

And this is hysterical... love Travis!

And because I love crazy Fiona

Sunday, May 2, 2010

On Love, In Sadness

I miss that child. So so far away though.


Friday, April 30, 2010

Sea Sew

Let's get Lost, me and you. An ocean and a rock is nothing to me.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am one Lucky Gal

If I ever complain about my life, seriously someone smack me.
My life is fucking amazing!


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I Want This Dress. SO BAD.

I Don't Get Angry When My Mom Smokes Pot

My buddy Todd rockin Sublime's "What I Got!" One of my favorite songs of the night for sure!

Friday, April 23, 2010

In the Name of Love

Obama is my Hero


I think it's pretty rad that our President does weekly videos to keep us all updated on what he's doing. I don't feel like any past presidents have ever been this connected with the public before. Remember when Carter had his fireside chats? haha I think that's the closest anyone gets. Anyway, I really admire this man, he has so much to do, and places to visit, it's nice he makes time to keep his citizens in the know. Watch what Obama's been up to recently at

We truly do have a rockstar President, and I wouldn't want it any other way :)


If you wanna help and get involved with Equal Rights, go to and learn more. Also, pick up a pin or necklace to help support the cause.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

More Digg

So this is the episode of Digg that Jimmy did earlier with the boys! Yes, I'm a geek and I watch Diggnation, deal with it.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Digg Fallon

The sexiest thing ever: When Jimmy Fallon talks out of the side of his mouth! OMG hottness!
Anyway, this was Diggnation's episode the other day featuring Jimmy!

He had on the same "Futuristic" sweater when he came to St. Louis :)
And if I'm not mistaken, he's at the Mosaic restaurant down on Washington... cool joint! I still need to write about what it was like seeing him, so that'll be coming shortly... although I'll probably edit it to make it look like it was before this :)
Jason thanks his community in this VIDEO
He gets all teary-eyed in some parts, so emotional. Very exciting!!

Also, Jason won song of the year tonight at the ASCAP awards! Pretty Sweet. The Killers were awarded with the Vanguard award, which is a cool award that says you've influenced or shaped American music with your style. My Beastie Boys have also received this award in the past! Anyway, here's Jason and his lovely date Tristan... those two are always so gorgeous together!

Aaaaand just because I love my Killers too! Oh, I watched some of the Royal Albert last night, I'll have to finish that tonight, Yay! Or, I guess I could watch 31/2 hours of Gandhi... decisions decisions?? lol Nahhh We'll go with Brandon!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Sleeping to Dream about you

Can we just have a lazy day in bed please?

It's 4.20 somewhere.... baked lays! Get it? It's like 2 jokes!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Don't get me wrong, I love the internet and technology as much as the next person, but I do think it's a little too controlling. People take this stuff WAY too seriously. I wish I could go a few days without constantly having to check all my facebook, twitter, rkop, blogs, etc just to make sure everything is okay with everyone in the world. I was actually talking to my cousin yesterday about this, kind of. I was asking her if I could borrow her GPS next weekend, as I am taking a personal day to Iowa. Anyway, we got on the subject of mapquest, then maps in general (shout out to Rand McNally) and then we were like, wait, how did people know where they were going before that? She suggested maps, but that seems tricky. How reliable can a paper with just highways be? So if any elderly people would like to enlighten me on how in the world you knew were you were going, please let me know. Also, how dangerous was it before cell phones?! I was watching Seinfeld the other day, as usual, and I mostly find myself saying, boy a mobile telephone would sure come in handy in most of these situations. I can't even imagine how many accidents could have been avoided had people just got out their cell phones. You would never know where anyone was!!

Well now it sounds like I'm on the side for technology, which, I guess I am, but it'd be nice if we didn't have to rely on it all the time. I think people would be a lot happier and less stressful. Everything personal about a person can be found on facebook. People feel the need to write insanely personal statuses, which I always find odd. Like, omg i love Tom. Or the depressing ones are always nice... not. I don't want to see that. That's why most of my updates are inspirational, or hysterical. I try to lift up others, not create tension.

I want to propose a day where I can just turn everything off. I do not want to talk on my cell phone, check in with any social networks, play online scrabble, or anything else technology-wise. I feel like this would clear my mind. Like a techno-detox. Staring at a computer screen all night cannot be good for you.

Alright, well I think I made my point. I really do want to do this for at least one day, so I'll have to decide which day is good. That makes me sad I have to schedule around what's going on based on technology haha but it's a fact.

Love to You,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I've Been Stricken with Bieber Fever!

Bieber and Tina Fey were sooo great on snl saturday!! The classroom sketch was one of the funniest skits in a while.
Justin Bieber made a video for me today.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Bucket List

So, I was having lunch today with some friends, and we were discussing events that we wish to accomplish before we die. There are just sooo many things out there that I have always wanted to do, and if I wrote them down on a piece of paper, I'd probably lose it. So, I'm going to put the items down in my blog.

(these are in no particular order mind you)

1. Go to a Yankee game and watch Jeter and A-Rod
2. Ice Skate at the Rockefeller Ice Rink near Christmas Time
3. Be kissed in the rain, or under fireworks, I'm not picky
4. See the Beastie Boys live
5. Go see a concert at Madison Square Garden
6. Ride in a hot air balloon
7. Watch a taping of SNL
8. Eat a philly cheese steak in Philly
9. Go surfing
10. Read War and Peace
11. Meet Jimmy Fallon

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Not that Girl

Such a Pretty little song!! This is from SPACE in Chi Town!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Places I wanna Go

Traveling is something I am very passionate about. If anyone is going on a trip anywhere, doesn't matter where, I am envious of them. I guess the appealing factor of travel is just the variety, it's different than where I am now. Alright well, here are some of my top 10 traveling destinations:

1) San Diego, CA
2) New York City, NY
3) Coral Reefs of Australia
4) Venice, Italy
5) Sydney and Melbourne, Australia
6) Boston, MA
7) Seattle, WA
8) Tokyo, Japan
9) Cambridge, England
10) New Zealand

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TC Challenge!!


My dear friend Mr. Todd Carey's single "Gotta Be Next to You" comes out on itunes in one week!! Help spread the word, and possibly receive a phone call from Todd by going Here!

My favorite of TC's cover songs!

Have a beautiful night my beautiful friends,

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sleep Deprived

I have been falling asleep around 5 in the morning for the past 4 days or so. It's pretty bad, I don't get up until 3 in the afternoon. I should probably attempt sleep right now, but I'm working on getting this playlist you see on the right hand side of this blog in working order. It looks good right? Michael Buble was on Letterman tonight, and he sang You're nobody until somebody loves you. That's Jim and my's song!! That and All of me, which Buble also sings. I need to get his album Crazy Love. Speaking of record purchases, I need to plan a trip to Euclid to get TC's album. Ooooo only one more week until his itunes release! I'm so proud of that boy, he deserves all the praise he gets! Hopefully I'll be able to see him in indianapolis the 24th, gotta convince my momma to let me go. Oh, Laura doesn't have a softball tournament the 17th!! So that means Jimmy Fallon is a go. So no bailing this time Fallon! I'm still upset over that, I had front and center tickets. Oh well, maybe I'll get to meet him at the benefit, that would sure make up for last time. Alright, well considering I have to be up in about 5 hours, I should try to get some sleep now.
I shall leave you with this gorgeous man

In Joy,

Sunday, March 21, 2010


3 Little Birds!

Why would you ever waste a day worrying about anything? - or think you should have done this or could have done that? Wake up to the WTF of it all and enjoy the ride. Look up and be in awe of the grand view. Be grateful and remind others of this miraculous now. It’s your home after all.
- Jason Mraz

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Make it Mine

Gotta Love the handheld camera stuff!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Piven for ONE

Look what ONE sent me in an email the other day! My favorite organization and tv star together at last!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Thanks to my buddy Shaun, I am now officially addicted to Entourage. I'm so glad adrian grenier AND jeremy piven are in this show, they are both just so nice to look at!

And a little bit of the boys!

Interweb Shenanigans

This is the most ridiculous thing ever. I just googled myself, go ahead and judge me, but I got some cool feedback images :) GOOGLE ME! Aaaand, chizzeck out the desktop I just created! It rocks :) Photobucket

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Check out my buddy!

I just feel like posting a video of my boy Todd, so yeah!

Todd Carey - A Closer Look (2007) - By Wiggle Puppy from WPPTV on Vimeo.

Also, I'm sure no one is reading this, but just in case, RSVP HERE to download Todd's release of his single "Gotta Be Next to You" on itunes 3/30!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I'm sitting here tonight (well it's morning now) in the lounge at my dorm. It's oh so very quite, and I'm at a loss of entertainment. I've watched all my Hitchcock flicks, downloaded some music to itunes, did all my homework for tomorrow, and now I'm eagerly awaiting the sun to rise so I can go to the market, grab a coffee and start the day. I'm already looking forward to the nap I'm going to give myself around 2 in the afternoon. Is that sad? I don't really think so, you have your sleep schedule and I have mine. Maybe I'll have a future keeping watch for missiles or something. haha, I don't know what jobs are available at night. I am getting a bit drowsy, however, I am deciding not to go to sleep, solely on the fact that I do not want to disturb my roommate with my loud noises.

I've watched so many John Mayer videos today. It's mostly because I got the new issue of Rollings Stone magazine and he was on the cover, half naked.

So anyway I get to reading it, and he is like the funniest dude. I mean, I've seen him on tv before, and I've seen him be funny, but he is literally insane.

This is the reason for my lack of sleep tonight, way to go JM.

I think I'll go get some chocolate covered pretzels before class this morning :) Sounds nom noms!


My most favoritest video of Jason :)
Hair, t-shirt, faces... everything about him is just so... right!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Two-Time Grammy Winner, JASON MRAZ

... kinda has a nice ring to it. I am so proud of him right now! I feel like my son just got a home run during the little league game :)
Last year, Jason brought his mom to the awards, as a Christmas present. To be fair, this year he brought his daddy Tom! Super adorable.
I'm really excited that Jason won his first Grammy for Make it Mine. I do really like I'm Yours, but it's just a little too cliche for me. That song was on the Billboard for like 76 weeks or something, which is extremely impressive. However, I like Make it Mine waaaay more, and I'm glad to see it getting the recognition it deserves. Also big congrats to miss Colbie Caliat for winning the Grammy with Jason for pop collaboration for Lucky!
