Sunday, June 13, 2010

Measure of a...

I miss my guyfriend. It's not fair I have to be away from him this long.

On another note, my birthday is gonna totally kick ass this year! We're partying it up in Chicago for the big 2-0. I will also be in Chi-town june 25-27, so everyone in that town is very lucky they get to see me so often. Hopefully we can hit up Wrigley and catch a game... I've always wanted to go there. And fenway. And yankee stadium.

Oh, so I showed my mom and laura an episode of the big bang theory today. They were not impressed with Sheldon, they think he is annoying and that he and Leonard are gay together. Shelly is my favorite, so this upset me lol

Keep doin what you do, I'll see you soon :)